My fellow Sweet Sixteens debut authors, Kali Wallace and Brooks Benjamin tagged me in this hilarious and totally relevant blog hop.

The rules are simple:

Scroll through your manuscript without looking (seriously, we’ll know). Stop at a random place and look at where your cursor lands. Select the phrase it’s on and repeat this seven more times for a total of eight titles. Or should I say…Eight Terrible Titles?

Here are the #8TerribleTitles for my debut book, ARROWS:

  1. We Ended Up Together (hey, not that terrible! *saves)
  2. Younger Sister a Look (a bit … creepy)
  3. What About Our History
  4. What? Why? (Future name of my parenting advice book)
  5. Men Grabbed my Arms
  6. Named the House
  7. Center of the Room (could be cool with the right premise)
  8. Auntie Night (picture book potential??)

Here’s who I’m tagging for #8TerribleTitles:

Jennifer Maschari

Brittany Cavallaro

Darcy Woods